Dimitri "Greekgodx" has once again been banned from Twitch, this time on charges of racism. Many avid viewers suspect it is because of the streamer's staunch stance on the COVID-19, as Greekgodx has. He's best known for his League of Legends gameplay and IRL streams, though his videos stretch out to any and every genre. je ne voulais pas tre blessant ou haineux. This morning, Greekgodx took to Twitter to confirm his Twitch ban was due to his transphobic comments. Greekgodx is one of the most popular British streamers on all of Twitch, broadcasting a variety of content from gaming, talk shows, and IRL (in-real-life) streams - amassing almost 900,000. I have been a naughty boy no more twerking from me! david woodley packard wife; what does the secret path say about identity; union apparel companies; ryerson bird courses; string functions in c++ with example GreekGodx has been at odds with Mizkif ever since he claimed he was "desperate for content" following the drama on his IRL stream that happened after Natalia 'Alinity' Mogollon accused a waiter. AI Seinfeld generator banned on Twitch for transphobic joke. His content covers a variety of forms, including gaming, talk shows, and IRL (in-real-life) streams. GreekGodX has always been known for his controversial takes on matters. Greekgodx Reacts to 'EVEN IF YOU SMILE A LIL BIT REPLAY THE VIDEO !' 1.1M views4 years ago Shorts why proximity chat is the best thing to happen in Modern Warfare II #shorts 6.4K views breaking. In September, his account was suspended when he made transphobic comments. 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The reason for the ban likely falls under Twitchs community guidelines on hateful conduct, which prohibits any content or activities that promotes, encourages, or facilitates discrimination, denigration, objectification, harassment, or violence based ongender, gender identity or sexual orientation. About Dexerto: Editorial staff, standards and policies, We may earn an affiliate commission from links on this page. The British creator was in the middle of an IRL stream before suddenly making some offensive noise. And Twitch doesnt seem to like all of them. Eat honey nuts and fruits . On Twitter, Greekgodx confirmed with his followers that his account was banned for those comments. He also mentioned in a tweet: During his controversial stream, Dimitri also opined that fellow content creators OTK and Mizkif get involved in drama to produce content that gains several views while he is better than them. In 2017, Greekgodx received a 72-hour ban for pretending to abuse his girlfriend. Even if it was, he says he has done nothing wrong in the clips circulating on social media. Its most likely not permanent, however. Dimitri "Greekgodx" has once again been banned from Twitch, this time on charges of racism. The ban, however, came hours after a clip on Livestreamfails was upvoted thousands of times, which appeared to show Greek mocking a family as he walked by in an IRL stream. Twitch has once again banned Greekgodx from the platform yet the streamer has denied it was for mocking a family he walked past during an IRL stream. However, he returned to the platform in 2020. I offer it to you and our kids so they can live happy safe lives. Please logout and login again. Dimitri Antonatos, plus communment appel "Greekgodx", est un streamer britannique Twitch qui compte prs de 900 000 abonns. According to a Reddit post, Greekgodx was watching a YouTube video while live streaming that suddenly showed partial nudity. That said, and as always, we will keep you updated as the situation evolves. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #greekgodx, #greekgod, #greekgodxclips, #greek_god, #godgreek . Greekgodx's ban from Twitch has shocked the live streaming community at the current date. One of the most popular U.K. Twitch streamers, Dimitri Greekgodx Antonatos, was banned from Twitch today. As the Twitch streamer continued to talk about topics ranging from current affairs to other streamers and why he is single, the platform banned his channel. Your career is done. The internet sensation had taken a brief hiatus in the past to complete a rapid weight loss journey. Gilding I gilder. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates on Esports, Gaming and more. Also Read: I could probably make somewhere between 1 to 10 mil a month: Pokimane claims OnlyFans has the kind of money Twitch streamers can only dream of. I dont want to explain to our future kids. Twitch Partner "Greekgodx" (@Greekgodx) has been banned! Greekgodx sexist rant that got him banned from twitch Amanda 8 subscribers 234 Dislike Share 23,344 views Jun 29, 2022 another sexist clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwumC. He can return to a regular streaming schedule as of December 1. Delivering a dubious take on the situation, he had some choice advice for those talking about the clip, describing them as people without jobs and partners stirring up drama and wasting time: Greekgodx reacted to the ban, alleging that the family in question was not Asian but Greek. dupsDX 1 yr. ago. That said, there has been no mention about the length of the suspension or its cause, just yet. Twitch streamer under fire for trying to explain why racist jokes are OK, xQc blasts banned Twitch streamers following lewd art controversy, About Dexerto: Editorial staff, standards and policies, We may earn an affiliate commission from links on this page. There have been multiple rumors and assumptions about his ban on the web. Got banned for a silly comment about gender i just wanted to say it was a joke and i'm really sorry to anyone i offended. It most likely isnt permanent, but so far neither Greekgodx nor Twitch have stated how long the suspension is for, or why he received the ban to begin with. Les directives communautaires de Twitch interdisent les "contenus haineux" sur leur plateforme, ou tout contenu qui "encourage, encourage ou facilite la discrimination, le dnigrement, l'objectivation, le harclement ou la violence" en fonction du sexe et de l'identit de genre. As of now, the suspension seems temporary. Popular Twitch streamer Dimitri 'GreekGodx' Antonatos is banned due to a strange tirade that includes sexist comments and disparaging other streamers. The British creator was in the middle of an IRL stream before suddenly making some offensive noise while crossing another family on the street. One popular theory seems to be that Greekgodx is yet another victim of Twitch's many recent DMCA bans. Ce n'est pas la premire fois que Greekgodx est dans l'eau chaude avec Twitch. Twitch bans typically run either 24 hours, three days, seven days or 30 days, with severe violations earning a permanent ban. window.top.__vm_add=window.top.__vm_add||[],function(t){"loading"!==window.document.readyState?t():window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){t()})}(function(){var t=document.createElement("div");t.setAttribute("class","vm-placement"),window.innerWidth>1e3?t.setAttribute("data-id","602ff3dcfbb86f454e130d2b"):t.setAttribute("data-id","602ff3f903b6f57088bc270b"),document.querySelector("#venatus-static-728px-1").appendChild(t),window.top.__vm_add.push(t)}); Other streamers have been banned permanently for similar comments. Watch popular content from the following creators: livestreamfail.clips(@livestreamfail.clips), Greekgodx(@greekgodx), barstoolgametime(@barstoolgametime), MURDA10K(@murda10k), PeepoPlanet(@peepoplanet) . Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. Controversial streamer Dimitri 'Greekgodx' Antonatos has been banned from Twitch for the fourth time. Greekgodx is a British Twitch streamer. En avril 2018, son compte a t suspendu aprs qu'une image photoshope d'un autre streamer couch nu ait t diffuse sur son mission. Read about your favorite creators only on TikTok Wiki & Youtube Wiki, Be the first one to comment on this story. This type of discrimination generally involves denying any and all expressions of gender that don't align with a male-female binary, including: saying trans people are "confused". i didn't mean to be hurtful or hateful. Zero calories products are messing with your hormones and are very damaging to your health in the long run. Unlike the speculation surrounding his previous suspension, the reasons for his current ban seem fairly obvious. After being banned on September 19, Greekgodx confirmed that his comments about gender were the reason for the punishment, and apologized for any offense he may have caused. remember me reset password. All rights reserved. mal mettre jour u les gars sur combien de temps l'interdiction est pour quand je peux. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. Si tu mets 'autre', ils devraient dire, 'Dsol, SoundCloud n'est pas pour toi, au revoir. GreekGodX continues sexist rants on Twitter-A day after being banned on Twitch for making sexist remarks on livestream, Dimitri GreekGodX Antonatos has. Professional Gaming Greekgodx worked a string of bad jobs. Greekgodx is one of the most popular British streamers on all of Twitch, broadcasting a variety of content from gaming, talk shows, and IRL (in-real-life) streams amassing almost 900,000 followers. Dans le mme tweet, il s'est excus auprs de toute personne offense, affirmant que ses commentaires taient une blague. While his fans argued that these videos werent a big deal and can easily be found on YouTube, both of these clips are against Twitchs Terms of Service. Twitch streamer Greekgodx had the last laugh when karma caught up with Malena after she attempted to troll him during a live broadcast. and a third. GreekGodx, at one point, was one of the most popular Twitch streamers in the world before taking a long break from streaming a couple of years ago. Greek has since apologized on Twitter, claiming the statement was a joke. To start off with the series, GreekGodX blatantly stated that he was sure that every girl who dated a streamer was a gold digger and only with them for the money they earned. He was banned from twitch in 2019 for a long transphobic rant on one of his streams. Greekgodx was banned from Twitch in 2018, so this ban could extend beyond 24 hours. He claimed that he would never be with a woman who posted naked pictures online, since it would affect their children. - June 29, 2022 06:15 pm EDT. He stated that he would be okay with staying at home and taking care of the family if his partner could earn more than him. Listen if you can make more money than me I will happily cook and clean for you and raise our kids. Anybody go make a Soundcloud account and wait for the options where it says gender, you will fucking omegalul, Greekgodx said. Seen below, in a tweet from StreamerBans a platform that monitors which accounts are now only available to view with a time machine Greek was banned again on July 28. window.top.__vm_add=window.top.__vm_add||[],function(t){"loading"!==window.document.readyState?t():window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){t()})}(function(){var t=document.createElement("div");t.setAttribute("class","vm-placement"),window.innerWidth>1e3?t.setAttribute("data-id","602ff3dcfbb86f454e130d2b"):t.setAttribute("data-id","602ff3f903b6f57088bc270b"),document.querySelector("#venatus-static-728px-2").appendChild(t),window.top.__vm_add.push(t)}); Copyright 2023 WIN.gg // 896 S State St. Unit #331, Dover, DE 19901, US, New BROKEN COVENANT League of Legends Skins, Greekgodx banned from Twitch, and fans dont know why, The best VR trackers on the market for full body tracking, The best gaming keyboard and mouse combo to buy in 2023, These are the 3 best gaming tablets of 2023. The situation turned ugly after he began making sounds that seemed to mock Eastern languages. "Greekgodx has made very racist and sexist comments in the past. Popular Twitch streamer Greekgodx has been banned from the platform following a recent stream that many followers deemed misogynistic. He said: "This is . This made it impossible to view any of his clips or VODs. who are the 6 traitors in greek mythology,
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